One of the greatest injustices in Christian Metal has finally been corrected. Crossforce, that classic 80’s metal band from the San Francisco bay area finally has an official CD release, not only is it official it’s as dynamic as anything from in that era. The fact that a band could be passed over because of appearance while their musical output was superior to so many others is beyond me.
Whether it’s the melodic metal of Tomorrow Will Come and Out of the Darkness to the driving metal of The Call and Our Father, this CD entitled Rock Until the Final Day just flat out CRANKS! You see what you have here is a compilation of two demo’s that the put together back in the mid 80’s. One of those demos was a six song affair that was commercially available and contained some great melodic metal ala Def Leppard, Queen or Thin Lizzy.
The songs which filled the original 1986 demo were Tomorrow Will Come, Our Father, Smoke Filled Room ( a true ballad with such emotion that is truly heartfelt), Out of the Darkness, Ready n Waiting and the title track for this collection Rock Until the Final Day. The original demo had only 500 copies produced and sold out very quickly.
The balance of the material is from a live in the studio session for Frontline Records that had never been available before. Recorded in late 1987 with seven more songs that sizzle from beginning to end, Stompin' in the Streets, The Call (a galloping piece of whimsy that sails with a phenomenal guitar solo), Heaven’s Door ( a strong piece of metal with a fabulous chorus that will grab hold of you and dig in deep), It’s Your Life, Wait and See (while a slightly unorthodox song structure, make no mistake how hard this song cooks!), The One Who Loves You, and finally Weeping World.
A special live version of Rock Until the Final Day appears at the end of this disc which just captured so much of the Crossforce energy. An essential part of the package if you ask me. The guitar playing of Phil Castillo is tremendous throughout with the obvious ode to Randy Rhodes and Jake E. Lee. Lead vocalist Tony Crider makes it very evident that they should’ve been signed as his songwriting is tremendous. Bass player Jeff Hudson and the previously mentioned Castillo made their own contributions in this area as well.

These are demo tracks so the usual studio polish hasn’t been applied, but I found no reason why that would hamper one’s enjoyment of this material. That’s how strong this stuff is if you ask me. It should be noted that the highly esteemed J Powell at Steinhaus provide a stellar mastering job which as allowed the original recordings to sound even better than before.
If you’re a fan of 80’s metal this is a disc you must own. Great music and great lyrics always make a classic package.
9 axes
1 comment:
Did you get a Crossforce guitar pick with your copy as well?
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