Make no mistake, Behold the Kingdom is in one word… Ferocious. Strong and powerful deathcore to the bone, subtlety is not in their vocabulary. I will admit that this isn’t the usual fare that I review, death metal yes, deathcore not so often. But when the owner of Rottweiler Records asked if I would, how could I turn him down?
He knew as do you, if I don’t like something I will tell you. That is something I make perfectly clear, no favorites here; if I don’t like it be prepared to hear about it. That being said I was a little unsure of how I would review this album.
The album is entitled The Eyes of the Wicked Will Fail, and with the music equivalent of a sonic sledgehammer Behold the Kingdom drive it home for 10 crushing tracks. Starting with the Prayer of Yeshua it dives into crunchy powerful riffage that thunders ahead at breakneck speed. El Shaddai, Prideful Demise are just two tracks of the musical carnage within.
Extreme metal with extreme vocals, comparisons to Black Dalia Murder, As I Lay Dying and Lamb of God have been made and seem to fit the bill quite nicely. One of the things is that was quite apparent to me is that the songs are punchy and quick, clocking in under 4 minutes for the most part. With plenty of tempo and riff changes throughout which kept my attention quite securely.
The production is tight and punchy with plenty of attack. It added a solid layer of clarity to the songs which brought me under the powerful hooks within. The drumming of Cliff DeWesse is full on brutal; he delivers the back bone of a vicious rhythm assault along with bass player Mark Baker. Derrik Young and Riley Snyder provide an overwhelming guitar barrage throughout. Those six string sabers rest right about that rhythmic back bone and simply pummel you into listening.
Yet the death metal vocals of Joseph Bellmer are strong enough to cut through the musical hurricane that is occurring around him. I liked this album as I found it energetic and punchy; it didn’t get bogged down in monotonous musical excess that often sows the seeds of this listener’s discontent.
Fans of this genre should make no mistake that this is a release they’ll want to obtain immediately. (Sown in Dishonor is simply tremendous). It just felt fresh to me and so with that I will give this album an 8 axe rating. If this album is truly a stepping point one can only wonder what the next release will contain. Until then enjoy this album of ferocious musical carnage.
8 axes
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