Monday, June 23, 2014


 My ears are fried..... dead.... passion dried up like the sahara desert....

You can only do some things for so long before the quality of what you do starts to suffer and honestly I believe I'm capable of much better material than what I put out the last 12 months or so.... However life over the past 8 months has just drained me down....

If you didn't like my reviews you won't miss anything and if you did appreciate what I did then thank you... Really....  I honestly never thought in a thousand years that I would have over 1000 readers each and every month... To some of you that may seem like chicken feed to but me I was, and have been blown away......

Its hard to gauge what type of impact or impression one makes when writing a review or putting out your opinion.  I guess in the final analysis it only matters if you enjoy what you do and don't take yourself too seriously. I did enjoy it but I've got nothing left in the tank to put out there.

Perhaps all I want to say to the labels is thank you for the chance to have some input in finding and signing some cool music.  To the bands thanks for the time (everybody wants a piece of you in this business and yes guys it is a business) and I just want to thank you for the opportunity again to have some input...

To the readers I wouldn't have written if you hadn't read and given me feedback....

Blessings folks....
