The songs are heavy and strong with a few left turns along the way. Much has been speculated about the direction this album would take musically after influences such as ‘Progressive Metal’ and the band name ‘Symphony X’ came to light. Can I put some misconceptions to rest as this album by no means strikes me as a prog metal album. Heck only two songs clock in over 5 minutes! The rest are in the 3-4 minute range.
III is definitely a heavier album than the previous two Sacrificed releases. Songs like Ark of the Covenant is a total bone crusher for sure as is Behold the Power of God. This is full on power metal with many prog metal elements. Album opener Falling will get the ole hair swaying, the arranging is stellar with a wide swath of musical elements and time changes. The Nephilim Agenda hits like a Kenworth at 100 mph, crushing. Don't despair as their is still plenty of melody throught out this 11 song release.
A cover of Queensryche’s Before the Storm appears as well. A track that harkens all the way back to their Warning album of 1984. Earlier era Queensryche influences appear in spots. Words on the Gin causes The Sacrifice to power down a little, but the underlying current of power is quite evident. Its acoustic styling brings a sudden change of pace.
You won’t find a lot of simple melodies that immediately hook in, but you will find songs that demand a second and third listen. It’s one of those things; you realize this is top drawer material, but perhaps that first listen is over before you have a chance to digest it all. With that thought in mind prepare to be engaged, and make sure you have a lyric sheet in front of you as the topics are thoughtful and deep.
With production sounds much akin to their previous 2012, the biggest change is the guitar sound and playing that Mike Phillips has brought. Eli’s vocal is tremendous hitting those higher notes with ease, however a little more clarity in the mixing department would be of benefit. The drumming of Jay Williams is vicious and locks in with new comer bass player Daniel Cordova exceptionally well.
III is a full on metal assault that starts of 2012 in fine fashion. Grab a copy and bang your head right into the New Year in fine fashion. T-shirts anyone??????
8 axes.
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