Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Let me first say I love heavy metal in all its various forms. I look for the melody either in the vocal line or the riff. It’s the hook that gets me coming back to listen again and again.
So when it comes to the more extreme forms of metal such as death, black, and their various sub genres and the various ‘cores’ which are too many to mention, it becomes all to mind boggling to keep it straight.

That is why I was a little skeptical about reviewing this release. However I’m always up for a challenge and I love to hear new music, even when I don’t feel completely competent on a certain genre of music. Undoubtedly there will be many out there who will tell me “Oh it’s easy to keep track and hear the various differences.” You’re entitled to your opinion.

All of that said we come to the album we’re talking about which is the debut by "I Built the Cross". Their disc is entitled “Bridging the Gap between Mind and Heart.” I would love to be able to describe their sound in my own words, but their style of metal is not one I have particular expertise. On IBTCs MySpace it says they play a form of “Spirit-Led Technical Death Metal.” It’s short on memorable melody, but heavy on arpeggio style riffing, blast beats and deep growling vocals with the occasional black metal wailing.

Opening with a narration, which sounds like it’s from a film I should know IBTC tears right into it. With an average age of 18 IBTC are proficient on their instruments and show that they know what they want. Riffing through “Minus One Star for Christianity” to “Stand Together,” “To Deface Grace and “Borrowed Parts” IBTC are serious about their craft.

They are also serious about their message which is full of the love and forgiveness they’ve found through their lord Jesus Christ. They’re lyrics are insightful and honest. Yet I found it nearly impossible to follow along with the vocalizations because of the vocal style. That in one sense is really too bad because IBTC have a lot to say.

Musically I think my favorite song is “Misguided Ministry.” It’s heavy and has more discernable melody than most of the other songs. A powerful track.

The production is clean with good clarity and definition. All the instruments are evenly mixed save for the bass guitar. I couldn’t tell if he is playing the guitar parts or if he is playing along to the drums. Not a deal breaker.

IBTC play to a niche area of the metal market and from what I can hear is that they do it well. If you like brutal technical death metal this disc is for you.

7 axes

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