Thundering out of the great white north that is Scandinavia comes Swedish heavy metal band Incrave. With an average of 23 these guys show they mean business. Strong production values with good song writing always produce a winning package.
They claim influences such as Dream Evil, Nocturnal Rites, Morgana Lefay, Tad Morose. They blend those influences well and the finished product is Incrave. Six rather unassuming blokes who indeed put the pedal to the metal, tho by their appearance you might be deceived into thinking 'No way!'
The twin guitar attack of Jon Balefalk & David Ohlsson lead this metal extravaganza with heavy tonnage in the riff department. Josef Davidsson (drums) and Martin Davidsson (bass guitar) provide a rhythm section that plays in excess of their years. I must also admit the touches that keyboardist Jonathan Stenberg provides enhance and do not in anyway overwhelm or take away from the songs.
Singer Johan Falk, to these ears, sounds at times like a young Sonny Larsson. He took a year for vocal study. Perhaps a little more grit from him vocally would enhance an other wise superior package. To this listener it sounds as if the control is there, perhaps more power as in dynamics.
Musically you’ll find an accomplished power metal outfit who know how to build songs. The melodies are strong and at times haunting, listen to ‘Scream in Silence’ to see what I mean, wow. There are many strong atmospherics which enhance the flow of the songs. The tunes for the most part are of the mid-tempo variety so you won’t really find any fast songs per se.
So if some aggressive power metal with soaring melodies and strong atmospherics is what the doctor ordered for you check this disc out. You could be in for a big surprise.
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